With a Smile on My Face

Because I'm doing spoken word, poetry, motherhood, marriage, and life with a smile on…get it?

Losing ten pounds by Memorial Day…my reason will suprise you! April 13, 2010

So, today is officially day one of my journey to lose ten pounds by memorial day.  That will be six weeks from now.  I made up my mind over the weekend that I was going to put my foot in this fat and get rid of it. My goal is to go from $1.30 to $1.20.  Some of my friends have asked me why in the world would I want to lose ten whole pounds when I already have a small frame.  Can I be honest with you? It’s because I MISS BUYING EXACTLY WHAT I WANT FROM THE RESALE STORE.

That’s right, that’s my motivation.  I love resale store shopping.  It doesn’t matter what I can afford, this is what I just love to do.  It relaxes me, helps me refocus on what I have to do, makes me feel like I’m on a treasure hunt.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  I appreciate the experience of department store shopping, especially when it comes to buying perfume.  Between my husband I several bottles of perfume have been purchased for me since November, including Christian Dior, Givenchy, and Chanel NO.5.  Nevertheless, what I love even more than smelling good is going to the resale store and being able to grab whatever I want without questioning whether I can fit it or  not.

There was a time I could go into the resale store and just grab any pair of pants in a size 3 or 4 and not have to question whether I would fit them or not.  Because I was a smaller size, those sizes would always be plentiful, whereas the mediums or larger size would be less available.  So, I am ready to get my hips down so I can go back to getting those Anne Klein steals and Express jeans for one and two dollars!! You better believe, I will rack up on some name brand, high quality jeans, throw ’em in the cleaners or just wash ’em, iron ’em real good with some spray starch and wear ’em with a pair of heels.  Mind you, I was thirty before I wore jeans with a full fledge pair of high heel shoes, but I used to wear the jeans with pumps.  Now, I’m into all out heels.

So, there.  I got on the Wii yesterday and actually weighed in at 129.2lbs, so that gives me a little uumph to keep going.  I hope you leave a line or two to tell me about your weight loss journey or journey to just tone up and get fit.  I’d love to hear from you!